Upper School Honor Code

“A Frederica Academy student will not lie, will not steal, will not cheat and will not tolerate those who do.”Upper School Honor Code

“A Frederica Academy student will not lie, cheat or steal, nor tolerate those who do.”


The Honor Code governs our behavior at all times, extending beyond testing and the classroom.  A strong sense of personal honor and integrity is a basic human responsibility.  A community of trust is a privilege and being a part of that community is the responsibility of all Frederica Academy faculty, staff, students, and parents. 


  • Lying is the intentional falsification or denial of fact, the intentional creation of a false impression, or the breaking of a pledge.


  • Cheating is giving, receiving, or attempting to give or receive unauthorized help that could result in an unfair advantage in completing tests, quizzes, homework, papers, projects, and exams. 


  • Plagiarism, or the representation of another’s work as one’s own, is a form of cheating and is not tolerated. 


  • Stealing is the taking of anything without the consent of the owner.  This includes “borrowing” any items from other students’ lockers without their permission. 


All assessments must be signed with the following pledge: “On my honor, I have neither given nor received any help on this assignment.”  Faculty will require a student to write this pledge or include it on an assignment.


Students in violation of the Honor Code will be called before the Honor Council (an elected group of their peers, and adult advisors).